Friday, November 9, 2007

Mom to mom

I have read one of those magazine call american baby that i bought it every months.Is very funny when i saw only this title.

Here,how did you tell your child you were pregnant?


We were at the Olive Garden when I told my little girl I was pregnant.I put her hand on my stomach and said,"There`s a baby in here."She looked at me curiously and repeated,"Baby?" Then she went over to Daddy,put her hand on his tummy,and asked"Baby?"My husband ate only a salad for dinner that nignt.


This title almost samething what i told my oldest daughter before but diffrent senses.
I told her i have a baby in my stomach when i was pregnant and same way put her hand on my belly.She trying to tell me,mummy you need diet.(she spoke in cantonese say kum fei)

1 comment:

My Lil' Monster said...

Hahaha... At that time r u sad? Now u loose all of it?